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Anchor 1

Be You

A social campaign that works on many levels

Developed campaign and media strategy for multiple programs and courses.

Level 1: Course Specific Static Ads ​

Interest targeting ads reached students with specific course interests. They were shown to students that were more likely to purchase after clicking an online ad (Conversion targeting.) Images rotated to keep the ads fresh and show a wide range of student profiles, but the look and feel remained the same to keep Baruch CAPS message unified and easily recognizable.


• Within 30 mile radius of NYC


• Between 22-40 years of age


• Not currently enrolled in a graduate school program

Level 2: General Retargeting Ads

Carousel ads retargeted anyone who matched our target student profile and who visited any page of the site. The carousel created a panoramic collage of the static ads which students had started to become familiar with.

Level 3: Course Specific Retargeting Ads ​

Carousel ads retargeted to anyone who visited specific course pages and who also matched our student profile. Each of the 6 carousel category ads showed up to 10 individual courses that linked directly to the sign up page of each course.

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